17th October, 2017, Connecticut, U.S., SimplyVital Health (SVH) and Toro Risk Consulting Group, LLC (Toro) have announced an affiliation that brings the transformational healthcare technology of SVH together with the marketing, legal, and risk expertise of Toro.
Toro recognized early on the potential that SVH’s pioneering platform has to help providers transition from fee-for-service to value-based healthcare. New value-based payment models, such as bundled payments, allow providers to realize savings if they can decrease the average cost of patient care.
SimplyVital Health’s platform uses blockchain technology to capitalize on bundled payments. This platform includes comprehensive consulting, metric selection, care coordination, and negotiation. Future developments of the platform will leverage Health Nexus, SVH’s open-source blockchain protocol that is safely adoptable by health care. Toro brings experience in negotiating protection from assuming downside risk, as well as guidance on how to reduce the costs and occurrences of medical complications. Together, SVH and Toro can help streamline data sharing and reduce costs for both patients and providers.
“SVH teaches providers how to quarterback the bundled payment process and become the primary beneficiaries of the model,” says SVH CEO Katherine Kuzmeskas. “These same lessons can be applied to other value-based care models in the future. Having a partner like Toro, which can help these providers understand and guard against the risks associated with complications, is invaluable to our clients.”
Toro Founder, Brian Kern, has also been appointed to SVH’s advisory board as an attorney who specializes in enterprise risk. “Having the opportunity to work with a forward-thinking company with such an incredible depth of knowledge on bundled payments and disruptive technology is an honor,” says Kern. “I am excited to see what the future brings for this impressive company and impressive team.”
About Simply Vital Health
SimplyVital Health is helmed by Katherine Kuzmeskas, one of Fortune’s 34 Leaders Who Are Changing Healthcare, and Lucas Hendren, a world-leading blockchain developer. The company has an engaged advisory board comprised of healthcare and blockchain experts. SimplyVital Health will be holding a token sale for Health Cash (HLTH) in order to catalyze the growth and security of the ecosystem and provide rewards for the miners who maintain the network. Learn more about the forthcoming HLTH token sale at tokensale.simplyvitalhealth.com.
About Toro Risk Consulting Group, LLC
Founded by Brian Kern, Esq., Toro was created to capitalize on and coordinate the various aspects of risks faced by healthcare practices and systems, particularly how they are changing and overlapping under the value-based care paradigm.
For more information, contact info@tororisk.com