Dragon’s Tale is the most original Bitcoin Casino around. It is home to hundreds of exquisite casino based mini-games that you won’t be finding in any other online gambling site.
At a first glance, Dragon’s Tale doesn’t look much like an online Casino, however, after a few hours playing the game, you will find yourself completely absorbed by a game that introduces a whole new concept to gambling.
Besides being one of the oldest Bitcoin gambling sites it is also an original Casino that was able to introduce a completely new gambling style into the betting scene. In fact, the whole game is a giant casino where you can go around exploring and where you can basically bet on almost anything within the environment. In the marvelous world of Dragon’s Tale, the players need to create their own avatar. They will need to complete several quests which are a fundamental part of the game and will help them level up and gain access to many places and islands in the game.
At Dragon’s Tale, you will be able to meet a great community of players who can help you to get into the game by teaching you a lot of techniques and level up your avatar. Another thing in Dragon’s Tale that is also pretty cool, is that you can also organize tournaments and participate in events as well as gambling directly with other players.
Dragon’s Tale is a very simple casino game. All you have to do is to register for an account download the software and start gambling. If you are still going to the same old classic Casino’s, Dragon’s Tale is perhaps the place you need to take a peek!
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