Trending Meme Coin Base Dawgz Raises $1.5M in Presale – Next Base Token to Explode?

Base Dawgz, a new meme coin built on Coinbase’s Layer-2 blockchain Base, has raised more than $1.5 million in one of the hottest presales of the year. The presale has been open for only two weeks, and its explosive start signals that this token has the potential to rocket higher after hitting exchanges.

While the $DAWGZ token is native to Base, it’s cross-compatible with Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. That makes the token important for cross-chain interoperability and ensures that $DAWGZ will reach as many traders as possible during its launch.

During the Base Dawgz presale, investors can buy $DAWGZ on all five chains. The token is currently priced at $0.00502, a significant discount to the tokens planned list price. However, the next price increase is just hours away, so investors need to hurry to lock in the best price.

Base Dawgz Builds on Base Hype, Offers Base Jumping Capabilities Across 5 Chains

The choice of Base as the home for Base Dawgz is an exciting aspect of this token that traders shouldn’t overlook. Base now has $1.65 billion in total value locked (TVL), making it the 7th-largest blockchain network. Tokens on Base have a combined market cap of more than $3.6 billion, and that number is growing fast.

Importantly, some of the largest tokens on Base are meme coins. The chain’s value is led by $BRETT, which exploded to a $1.4 billion market cap in a matter of weeks. Meme coins like $DEGEN, $TOSHI, and $NORMIE aren’t far behind.

Analysts are increasingly suggesting that Base could supplant Solana as the preferred chain for meme coin launches, and $DAWGZ shows how. The massive support behind this new token indicates that traders are eager for new launches on Base and want to get in as early as possible.

That said, Base Dawgz hasn’t fully married its future to the success of the Base Layer-2. $DAWGZ can easily ‘base jump’ across 5 major blockchains, giving the token inherent utility—traders who want to move value from Ethereum to Base and back can use $DAWGZ to do it seamlessly and with low gas fees.

That’s crucial since it means that regardless of whether Base beats out Solana or not, $DAWGZ will prosper. The project is making a smart bet that at least some of the biggest networks will go up, and it doesn’t matter which one comes out on top.

Share-to-Earn Incentives Add Hype to Base Dawgz Presale

Base Dawgz is also building hype around its presale with an innovative share-to-earn rewards system. Anyone who buys $DAWGZ tokens during the presale can earn even more coins by promoting Base Dawgz on social media.

The process is simple: investors in the Base Dawgz presale just need to connect their X accounts to the presale site to get started. Then they can reshare content from the Base Dawgz X account and earn tokens every time they do. At the end of the Base Dawgz presale, those tokens can be redeemed for extra $DAWGZ.

Base Dawgz is also offering a more traditional referral incentive. Investors in $DAWGZ who get friends and family to buy into the presale will earn a 10% cut of their purchase in $USDT.

These earning incentives turn Base Dawgz investors into ambassadors for the project, helping it reach a much wider community than $DAWGZ could on its own. This is likely a key reason why the $DAWGZ presale has caught fire so quickly. It’s also part of why many analysts think this presale could sell out and deliver massive returns after launch.

Analysts Line Up Behind Base Dawgz with Predictions for 100x Gains

Crypto analysts have been among the most vocal supporters of Base Dawgz—they see the potential in $DAWGZ and want the crypto community to know about it.

Some of the most prominent analysts backing Base Dawgz include Jacob ‘Crypto’ Bury, who predicted that $DAWGZ could deliver 100x gains after launch. YouTuber Matthew Perry went even further, telling his 220,000+ subscribers that $DAWGZ could be the next $BRETT.


Other analysts weighing in on Base Dawgz include ClayBro, Cilinix Crypto, and Stock Investor, all of who predicted gains between 10x and 100x for this exciting new meme coin.

Presale On Track to Sell Out Fast, Don’t Miss $DAWGZ Before It Launches

The Base Dawgz presale is only making 20% of the total token supply available before the project’s trading launch. That means the presale supply is very limited and $DAWGZ is likely to sell out ahead of schedule.

Investors don’t want to sleep on this token, especially because there are even more rewards waiting beyond the price increase heading into the $DAWGZ listing. The project has set aside 20% of its token supply for staking rewards and another 15% for community rewards. The bulk of these rewards will go to early investors in the Base Dawgz presale.

$DAWGZ is available to buy now on Base, Ethereum, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Avalanche. Don’t miss this chance to lock in a discounted price for one of the hottest multi-chain meme coins of the year and start earning extra $DAWGZ by spreading hype about the project.

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